Explore Swiss Arbitration

Swiss Arbitration Law
A modern, liberal international arbitration law perfectly tailored to the needs of global users

Switzerland has two sets of arbitration laws: the uniquely liberal Chapter 12 of the Swiss Private International Law Act (PILA) for international arbitration, and the more regulative Part 3 of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) for domestic arbitration.

In force since 1989 and updated 2021, Chapter 12 PILA provides the perfect framework to support parties and arbitral tribunals in efficiently resolving disputes, with minimal interference except to ensure the essential integrity of the process. Challenges against arbitral awards are decided directly by the Swiss Federal Supreme Court, and in only six months on average. In about 93% of cases, the Federal Supreme Court upholds the award, only sanctioning serious irregularities, such as violations of due process or lack of jurisdiction.

For domestic cases, the more extensive domestic arbitration law in Part 3 CPC has, since its entry into force in 2011, been providing useful guidance to less experienced parties, and protection to weaker parties such as employees or tenants.

Swiss International Arbitration Decisions

English translations of 140 Federal Supreme Court decisions dealing with international arbitration are freely searchable and downloadable at swissarbitrationdecisions.com

Swiss Rules 2021

Access the revised Arbitration Swiss Rules 2021

Swiss Rules 2021