ASA Local Group Geneva

Nouvelle solution pour différents besoins : Projet de plateforme globale de secrétaires du tribunal arbitral

CCIG Boulevard du Théâtre 4, Genève, Salle du Conseil, 2e étage Location
23 Nov, 2023


Me Paolo Michele Patocchi partagera sa vaste expérience acquise comme conseil et arbitre. Nous vous encourageons à venir nombreux afin de profiter de cette occasion d’écouter un éminent spécialiste de notre place d’arbitrage nous livrer quelques-unes de ses réflexions.
La session commencera par une présentation par Me Dorothee Schramm sur le projet de plateforme globale de secrétaires du tribunal arbitral.
Les interventions seront suivies d’une discussion générale pendant laquelle les membres du Groupe pourront faire part de leur expérience et poser des questions.
Les personnes intéressées sont priées de s’inscrire en envoyant un email à
Un apéritif aura lieu après la séance dans les locaux de la CCIG.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous retrouver prochainement et vous prions de croire, chères collègues, chers Collègues, à nos sentiments dévoués.


calendar-icon Jeudi 23 novembre 2023
17:30 - 20:00
Nouvelle solution pour différents besoins : Projet de plateforme globale de secrétaires du tribunal arbitral
Carte blanche à Me Paolo Michele Patocchi
loc-icon 4, Boulevard du Théâtre, Genève, Salle du Conseil, 2e étage
Paolo Michele Patocchi
See profile

Paolo Michele Patocchi
Partner Patocchi & Marzolini

Paolo Michele Patocchi is a founding partner of Patocchi & Marzolini, the law firm established with Paolo Marzolini on 1 January 2014. Michele was admitted to the Bar of Geneva in 1984 and has been representing clients and sitting as an arbitrator for the better part of the last 30 years. Michele has been active in a number of jurisdictions under various arbitration rules (including the ICC Rules, the Swiss Rules, the UNCITRAL Rules, the Milan Rules, the SIAC Rules and the DIAC Rules). In investment arbitration Michele has been sitting in cases arising under a number of bilateral investment treaties as well as the OIC Treaty (in proceedings governed by the Washington Convention or the ICSID Additional Facility Rules).

Michele has had practical experience in the legal system of a number of jurisdictions other than Switzerland such as Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Egypt, England and Wales, the U.S.A., India, France, Germany, Hungary, Kuwait, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey and the UAE.

Michele has been involved in several major international arbitrations and his field of expertise includes construction disputes, IP disputes, turnkey contracts, consultancy agreements, joint venture agreements, licensing inter alia in the pharma industry, State contracts, privatisations, post-M&A disputes and gas price review disputes.

Michele has published extensively on international arbitration (for a full list of Michele’s publications, please visit and is regularly called as speaker on arbitration-related matters.

Michele has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Law of Geneva (1989-2006), the Geneva School of Translation and Interpretation (1990-1993) and the Swiss Arbitration Academy (2008, 2009); he has been teaching international arbitration at the Faculty of Law of İ. D. Bilkent University (Ankara) since 2013.

Paolo Michele Patocchi
Partner Patocchi & Marzolini