ASA Conference and General Assembly September 2021, Bern
September 17, 2021
Event Details
Friday, September 17, 2021
11:00: Registration
11:15: ASA General Assembly
12:15: Lunch
13:15: ASA Conference
17:00: Cocktail
Arbitration Clauses in Articles of Incorporation and Arbitrating Corporate Law Disputes
The Conference deals with practical aspects of enforcing corporate law claims in arbitration, also considering recent (and upcoming) changes in the law. Such aspects include, amongst others, the binding effect as well as the possible scope and reach of arbitration clauses in articles of incorporation; how they should be drafted; which corporate disputes are particularly suitable for arbitration (and which are rather not), also taking into account the corporate landscape and different company structures; the procedural minimal guarantees for shareholders and the binding effect of awards with an erga omnes effect on non-participating shareholders. The panels are composed of renowned corporate law specialists and arbitration practitioners from Switzerland and abroad.
Conference Co-Chairs
Harold Frey, Nadja Jaisli Kull
Programme and Registration