Leadership Get to know the arbitration and mediation practitioners of the Swiss Arbitration Centre
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of the Swiss Arbitration Centre is composed of experienced arbitration practitioners and representatives of the Chambers of Commerce. The Board is in charge of supervising the operation of the Centre and ensuring its compliance with applicable laws. It has no role in the management of cases administered by the Centre but appoints the members of the Arbitration Court.
Bernhard Berger President Kellerhals Carrard, Bern
Domitille Baizeau Vice President LALIVE, Geneva
Luca Albertoni Member Ticino Chamber of Commerce
Pierre-Yves Gunter Member Gunter Arbitration, Geneva
Gabrielle Nater-Bass Member Homburger, Zurich
Vincent Subilia Member Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services
Raphaël Tschanz Member Zurich Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director and Secretariat
The Secretariat assists the Arbitration Court, the Advisory Council for Mediation and the Ombudspersons in administering arbitration and mediation cases.
Korinna von Trotha Executive Director, Zurich
Elena Burau Executive Assistant, Geneva
Genevieve Erasmo Assistant, Geneva
Monica Foglia Assistant, Lugano
Daniela Haindl Assistant, Zurich
Gabriele Miscia Legal Counsel, Geneva
Saba Mollaian Legal Counsel, Geneva
Tommaso Moneta Legal Trainee, Geneva
Michele Rossi Legal Counsel, Lugano
Cindy Roy Assistant, Geneva
Julia Simon Legal Counsel, Zurich
Matia Trosic Legal Counsel, Geneva
Arbitration Court
The Arbitration Court is an independent body responsible for the administration of arbitration cases under the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration and the final authority for the proper application of the Swiss Rules. The Arbitration Court is composed of leading arbitration practitioners of Swiss and other nationalities.
Christopher Boog President* Schellenberg Wittmer, Zurich
Alexandra Johnson Vice President* PESTALOZZI, Geneva
*Members of the Court Special Committee as per Article 4 of the Internal Rules of the Arbitration Court
Advisory Council for Mediation
The Advisory Council for Mediation provides the Secretariat with guidance and assistance on mediation cases administered under the Swiss Rules of Mediation.
Corina Bölsterli Mediator and Business Coach, Zürich / Lindau (DE)
Daniel Girsberger University of Lucerne / Kaufmann Rüedi, Zurich
Jorge Ibarrola Libra Law, Lausanne
Cinthia Lévy University of Lausanne, Lausanne
Pirita Virtanen Private Mediator, Helsinki
Urs Weber-Stecher Member Weber-Stecher, Zurich
Ombudspersons for Financial Services Mediations
The Ombudspersons act as mediators in cases administered under the Rules of Mediation Procedure for Financial Services (Ombuds-FIN).
Rolf H. Weber bratschi, Zurich
Yvette Schiess Saffir GmbH, Zurich
Daniel Glasner actionfinance, Geneva
Olivier Rivoire Bory & Associés, Geneva
Swiss Arbitration Marketing Committee
Catherine Kunz Co-Chair LALIVE, Geneva
Philippe Bärtsch Co-Chair Schellenberg Wittmer, Geneva