Legislative and Jurisprudential Updates on International Arbitration: Between Switzerland and Italy

ASA Local Group GASI

Hotel Pestalozzi, Lugano
17 Oct, 2024


On 17 October, 2024, at 17:00, GASI (Gruppo ASA della Svizzera Italiana), AIA (Associazione Italiana per l’Arbitrato), and arbIt (Italian Forum for Arbitration and ADR) will co-host a conference on international arbitration at the prestigious Hotel Pestalozzi in Lugano.

The event, titled “Legislative and Jurisprudential Updates on International Arbitration: Between Switzerland and Italy,” will feature expert presentations from Angelo Anglani (Advant NCTM), Cinzia Catelli (Bär & Karrer), Barbara Concolino (BonelliErede), and Daniel Durante (Patocchi & Marzolini).

The conference will address recent developments and provide valuable insights into arbitration practices in both countries. Following the presentations and discussions, attendees are invited to enjoy an apéro riche, offering a chance for networking and further conversation.

The registration fee of CHF 50 includes access to the conference and the apéro riche.

Register now!