International Arbitration: A Human Endeavour


Hong Kong
From 5 May to 8 May, 2024


ICCA is now inviting expressions of interest from potential speakers for ICCA 2024 Hong Kong with a deadline of 17 July 2023. The theme of the XXVIth ICCA Congress is “International Arbitration: A Human Endeavour”. The Programme Committee is seeking expressions of interest from those wishing to speak on one of the following sub-themes:

  • The Human Impact and Influence on Arbitration (e.g. the impact of the advocate, arbitrator, witness, expert, mediator)
  • The Human Experience and Interaction in Arbitration (e.g. culture, semantics, heuristics, connections, civility, ethics)
  • The Human Condition (e.g. wellbeing, human fallibility)
  • Wider Community (e.g. sociology, origins and conceptions of dispute resolution, localisation/ regionalism, sustainability)
  • Costs and Economics (e.g. human and financial resourcing, market opportunities and barriers, value, pricing)
  • An AI Endeavour (e.g. developments in AI and technology affecting arbitration)